Satellite Phone Store Customer Purchase Agreement
- General Information. This Customer Purchase Agreement (“Agreement”) establishes the terms and conditions (“Terms”) under which you, any person on your account, an Authorized User, and any person you allow to use the Products and Services (individually and/or collectively, “you,” “your,” or the “Customer”) agree to use the Products and Services identified in the Purchase Order (the “Purchase Order”) provided by Connecta Satellite Solutions, LLC d/b/a Satellite Phone Store (“SPS, we, or us”). It is the Customer’s sole responsibility to ensure that others do not gain unauthorized access to the Products and Services. The Customer shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent such unauthorized access to the Products and Services, including by protecting the security of any usernames or passwords relating to the Products or Services.
- This Agreement incorporates by reference the accompanying Purchase Order. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and the Purchase Order, this Agreement shall govern.
- These Terms prevail over any of the Customer's general terms and conditions regardless whether or when the Customer has submitted its request for proposal, order, or such terms. Provision of Products and Services to Customer does not constitute acceptance of any of Customer's terms and conditions and does not serve to modify or amend these Terms or this Agreement.
- Acceptance of Agreement. By accepting this Agreement, the Customer is bound by these Terms. Acceptance of this Agreement can be made by (i) written, digital, or verbal indication that the Customer accepts this Agreement during the submission of your order; or (ii) you commence the use of the Products or Services.
- Term Length. The term length (“Term”) of this Agreement is specified in the Purchase Order. This Agreement will end at the end of such Term or when either you or SPS terminate this Agreement in accordance with the terms hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, this Agreement will automatically renew for 12 additional months at the end of such Term unless you notify SPS in writing of your desire not to renew 30 days prior to the end of the Term.
- Termination. In addition to any remedies that may be provided under this Agreement, SPS may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect without notice to the Customer, if the Customer:
- fails to pay any amount when due under this Agreement;
- has not otherwise performed or complied with any of the terms of this Agreement, in whole or in part; or
- becomes insolvent, files a petition for bankruptcy or commences or has commenced against its proceedings relating to bankruptcy, receivership, reorganization, or assignment for the benefit of creditors.
In the event of Termination, the Customer shall immediately cease using the Products or Services. The Customer shall be liable for any costs incurred by SPS in connection with Termination, including costs incurred to enforce your compliance and reasonable attorneys’ fees.
Notice of changes to your Data Plan or your decision to terminate this Agreement must be sent in writing no later than 30 days prior to the expiration of the Term of this Agreement in accordance with the Notice provisions set forth in section 28.
- Cancellation. Prior to the expiration of the Term of this Agreement, the Customer may cancel this Agreement by providing notice of cancellation to SPS at (“Notice of Cancellation”), provided, however, that the Customer’s Notice of Cancellation is sent at least 30 days prior to the end of the Term. If Customer cancels this Agreement prior to the expiration of the Term, Customer shall pay the early cancellation fee specified in the Purchase Order. Customer acknowledges and understands that the cancellation will take effect immediately after the next Billing Cycle is processed. Further, Customer acknowledges and agrees that once it sends Notice of Cancellation, SPS reserves the right to discontinue providing Products and Services to the Customer.
- Definitions.
- “Accessories” means those items that SPS sells that are not integral to the functioning of the Products and Services, including but not limited to satellite phone cases, charging cords, wireless chargers, and other miscellaneous accessories.
- “Authorized Use Policy” means the provisions set forth in section 12.
- “Authorized User” means any user authorized to use the Products and Services by the Customer.
- “Billing Cycle” means the monthly cycle for Product and Service usage as established and billed by SPS.
- “Data Service” means the data service provided by Underlying Carrier.
- “Data Plan” means the data plan you have purchased as specified in the Purchase Order.
- “eSIM Card” means electronic Subscriber Identity Module card.
- “FCC” means the Federal Communications Commission or its successors.
- “ICCID” or “Integrated Circuit Card Identifier” means the 19-20 digit identification number for a SIM Card or eSIM that is used for activation.
- “IMEI” means International Mobile Product Identity, the unique permanently assigned identification number installed in each device when it is manufactured.
- “MOU” or “Minutes of Use” means a minute of use of Voice Service. All MOUs under this Agreement will be rounded up to the nearest whole MOU.
- “MRC” means monthly recurring charge.
- “MSISDN” means the Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number uniquely identifying a SIM card.
- “Person” means any individual, subsidiary, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, co-partnership, firm, joint venture, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, unincorporated organization, governmental or regulatory body or other entity.
- “Product” means a single unit of Product having, when applicable, a unique IMEI (including the associated SIM Card) or serial number for use in connection with its own number, when operating or utilizing such Product, which includes an operating system and other software, which is technically and operationally compatible with the SPS network. All new activations will be on compatible approved devices with their specific banding requirements provided by SPS.
- “Product Return Policy” means the provisions set forth in section 9(e).
- “Services” are the Voice Service, SMS service, Data Service, and other services which SPS has agreed to provide to Customer as more fully set forth in the Purchase Order.
- “SIM Card” means Subscriber Identity Module card.
- “Retired Product” means any product that is no longer supported by its manufacturer or which no longer receives software or firmware updates.
- “Telephone Number" means the unique ten-digit or twelve-digit number by which the Customer can be reached by other callers.
- “Underlying Carrier” or “Carrier” means the satellite service provider carrier from whom SPS purchases satellite communications services.
- “USAC” means the Universal Service Administrative Company or its successors.
- “Voice Service” means the satellite voice services provided by Underlying Carrier as further described in the Purchase Order.
- Services. During the Term, SPS shall provide to Customer the Products and Services as described in the accompanying Purchase Order in accordance with these Terms.
- Satellite Phone Store Services. The Customer has contracted to have SPS provide the Products and Services under the Terms detailed within this Agreement. The Customer agrees to remain as a subscriber of the Services for a period stated on the Purchase Order from the date of service activation, and furthermore, agrees to pay any applicable activation, monthly service, service usage fees, and any applicable taxes.
- Additional Services. During the Term, if Customer seeks any additional services not included in the Purchase Order, SPS may agree or disagree to provide such additional services in its sole discretion. Any additional services and the terms thereof agreed to by SPS must be set forth in a written document signed by SPS.
- Availability of Limited Services. Services are generally available to satellite terminals equipped to support the Services when the Customer is located within the satellite footprint. Customer acknowledges and understands that, due to the technical nature of satellite terminals and the inherent sophistication of data transmission through a variety of operating systems, Services may be temporarily interrupted, delayed, or otherwise limited. Customer further acknowledges and agrees that Services are not available everywhere in the world. SPS makes no representation as to the availability of Services. Customer agrees that all attempts to use the Services regardless of ultimate successful transmission and termination will be paid for and no credits will be given in the event of a dispute of this nature.
- Telephone Number. Some Products may have a Telephone Number that can be used in association with some of the Services. A Telephone Number may not appear in more than one satellite terminal. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that it has no property right in the Telephone Number associated with a Product. SPS reserves the right to assign, designate, or change the Telephone Number when, in its sole discretion, such action is reasonably necessary in the conduct of its business.
- Inability to Route Toll-Free Numbers. Customer acknowledges and understands that SPS may be unable to route calls to toll-free numbers or to 870, 8816, 900, and 976 prefix numbers or the like.
- Unlimited Data Plans. SPS provides Services from Underlying Carriers in various Data Plans. Unlimited Data Plans are available only in certain jurisdictions. Unlimited Data Plans offered by SPS do not include Services between different Underlying Carriers.
- Industry Specific Regulations. The Services from Underlying Carriers are not tailored to comply with industry-specific regulations such as, for example, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), etc. You acknowledge and agree that if your use of the Services would be subjected to such laws, you may not use the Services. Further, you acknowledge and agree that you will not use the Services in a way that would violate the Gramm-Leachs-Bliley Act (GLBA).
- Emergency Services.
- For certain SPS Services, Underlying Carriers may have established an Emergency Call Center, or "Referral Service," which may be available to you, provided that you are roaming in the Underlying Carrier’s coverage territory. The Referral Service is provided under 47 C.F.R. §25.284(a), one of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. Under the FCC's rules, the Customer must provide his or her telephone number and physical location. In some cases, Underlying Carriers are not always able to identify the Customer’s location automatically. Accordingly, the effectiveness of Referral Service depends largely on the accuracy of the information provided verbally by the Customer. Upon receiving a call that the Customer identifies as an "emergency," the Referral Service will redirect the call to an appropriate Public Safety Answering Point. Customer acknowledges and understands that Referral Service may not be available at all times, or at any time from some locations. Calls placed using Referral Service will typically be recorded. Use of the Referral Service is subject to the service limitations in this Agreement.
- Some SPS Products or Services may have a SOS feature for emergency purposes. Some Underlying Carriers have contracted with third parties to provide SOS emergency monitoring services twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week and 365 days a year (the “Emergency Services Provider”). Provision of SOS emergency monitoring services is subject to the terms of this Agreement, including, without limitation, the limitations of liability set forth in Section 26. As with the general provision of Services, it is possible that at some times and some locations, the Emergency Services Provider response center will not receive your transmission or that your transmission will be delayed. The emergency responder(s) of the Emergency Services Provider shall determine when, how, even if, to conduct a search and rescue in accordance with their standard policies and procedures, subject to such constraints as operational limitations, available resources, technical feasibility, meteorological conditions, medical, safety concerns whether for you or the emergency responder(s), and/or other considerations. In no event does this Agreement create or impose a duty to rescue on SPS or its Underlying Carriers.
- SOS Monitoring. Underlying Carriers transmit SOS Emergency Signals received, along with applicable registration data information provided by you to SPS in connection with your registration for the Products or Services (the “Registration Data”) and available location coordinates identified by your Product signal (the “Location Information”), to the Emergency Services Provider response center. The Emergency Services Provider maintains a database of emergency responders in regions throughout the world and provides SOS Emergency Signal monitoring twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week and 365 days a year. SPS, its Underlying Carriers, and the Emergency Services Provider have not agreed to take any action. Further, Customer acknowledges and agrees that SPS, its Underlying Carriers, and the Emergency Services Provider are released from all responsibility to take any action whatsoever. In addition, SPS and its Underlying Carriers are not liable for the performance or lack of performance of the Emergency Services Provider, the terms of performance of which are set forth in the agreements between the Underlying Carriers and the Emergency Services Provider, and the Emergency Services Provider’s performance is subject to all terms and conditions set forth in such agreement. Should the Emergency Services Provider have reasonable cause to believe that an emergency condition does not exist, the Emergency Services Provider reserves the right to take no action.
- Additional Charges for SOS Emergency Transmissions. Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for any charges that may be assessed by emergency responders for either false SOS Emergency Signals and/or in relation to search and rescue activities resulting from the Customer’s transmission of a SOS Emergency Signal. Should Customer deliberately or negligently misuse the SOS Emergency service, SPS and its Underlying Carriers reserve the right to assess a fee to recoup their costs in relation to responding to such misuse. Negligent and deliberate misuse includes, but is not limited to, pressing the SOS button to “see if it works” or otherwise knowingly pressing the SOS button when no emergency situation exists. Should it be determined by SPS or its Underlying Carriers that Customer deliberately or negligently misused the SOS Emergency service, SPS or its Underlying Carrier shall, without further notice, bill to Customer the appropriate fee using the payment information provided by Customer. Customer acknowledges and agrees that it shall be responsible to pay any such fee. SPS, its Underlying Carriers, and the Emergency Services Provider shall have such other rights and remedies against Customer for such misuse as may be available at law, and Customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless SPS, its Underlying Carriers, and the Emergency Services Provider and their affiliates, licensors, licensees, and suppliers and their respective directors, officers, shareholders, members, employees, representatives, and agents from any liabilities or penalties arising from such misuse.
- Search and Rescue Membership. An optional Search and Rescue membership provided by a third party provider (“SAR Membership”) may be available for purchase by Customer. Should you choose to purchase a SAR Membership, your contract for the SAR Membership will be directly between you and such third party provider. SPS and its Underlying Carriers are not parties and are in no way liable to Customer for any damages or claims that may arise in connection with such optional SAR Membership and is not responsible for the third party provider’s performance of such service.
- Products and Accessories.
- Use of Other Product and Devices. Unless provided otherwise in the Purchase Order, SPS is not responsible for the installation, operation, quality of transmission, or maintenance of Customer’s Product. SPS does not represent that the Products and Services will work correctly, or that all features will be available, if you access the Services using Products not provided by SPS. SPS has no responsibility for the installation, operation, support, maintenance, or repair of any other devices, retired Products, software, or services that you choose to use in connection with the SPS Services. In addition, you are prohibited from reselling Products in accordance with section 12(h).
- Satellite Phone Store Ownership. Unless you have purchased your Products or SPS has designated the Product as Retired, you acknowledge and agree that at all times ownership of Product shall remain with SPS and that this Agreement allows you to use Product only in connection with your lawful receipt and use of the Services. You are responsible for any Product owned by SPS which is lost, damaged by fire, water, theft or events of Force Majeure. Unless provided otherwise in the Purchase Order, SPS is not responsible for the installation, operation, quality of transmission, or maintenance of Products that are not owned by SPS.
- Reconditioned Product. SPS may, at its option, supply new or reconditioned Product. You also agree that the Product will not be serviced by anyone other than SPS’s employees or designated agents or representatives. You further agree not to tamper with or otherwise harm the Product, and that you will not copy, modify, reverse compile or reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, create nor attempt to create any Products or other devices, or software or firmware provided by SPS in connection with the Services.
- Software Updates. SPS will from time to time push Software updates to Product. Software updates may include applications. Customer may also perform Software updates at its own discretion. Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for any loss or damage of any kind to Product arising out of Software updates performed at Customer’s own discretion. Furthermore, Customer acknowledges and agrees that SPS shall bear no liability or responsibility for loss or damage of any kind to Product arising out of Software updates performed at Customer’s own discretion. Section 11 Product Return Policy does not apply to Product that is lost or damaged in any way as a result of Software updates performed at Customer’s own discretion.
- Retired Product. SPS may provide limited or no support for a Retired Product. If you continue to use the Product after SPS, its partners, affiliates, licensors, or suppliers designates it as Retired, you may not receive software-based Product feature and security updates, which may impair the delivery of services.
- No Right to License Product. This agreement does not provide for or include any right for the Customer to use the Product in any manner that would cause the Product to become subject to any license terms for software that, as a condition of use, copying, modification or distribution, require such software and/or derivative works thereof to be disclosed or distributed in source code form, to be licensed for the purpose of making derivative works, or to be distributed free of charge, including, without limitation, software distributed under the GPL (GNU General Public License) or LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License).
- Open Source Software. Some portions of the Product may include open source software. Such portions are typically marked in the source code, in the documentation and/or as part of the installation. The said portions are delivered and licensed solely in accordance with and ruled by the relevant terms and conditions of the open source licenses and nothing in this agreement will be deemed to be a variation or amendment or waiver to the terms and conditions of those licenses. In case of a conflict between such terms and conditions and this agreement, the terms and conditions of the open source licenses shall prevail.
- The Products are licensed only with “restricted rights” and as “commercial items” consisting of “commercial software” and “commercial software documentation” and with only those rights as are granted to all other Customers pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Nothing in this Agreement requires SPS or its licensors and suppliers to produce or furnish technical data for or to any Customer.
- Activation. The Customer shall activate the Products or Services within 30 days of purchase. If the Customer fails to activate the Products or Services within 30 days, the Customer acknowledges and consents to SPS automatically activating the Products or Services.
- Product Return Policy. Product may be returned to SPS as set forth in this section. This Product Return Policy does not limit or supersede existing manufacturers’ warranties.
- Return of Defective Product. Within 30 days of Product purchase or activation, whichever is earlier, you must contact us to return any defective Product. If you return a Product, SPS may replace it with a new or refurbished item, or may refund payment for the purchased Product. SPS’s sole obligation to you under this Return Policy shall be to replace or repair any qualifying Product. Subject to the limitations set forth in this Return Policy and otherwise set forth herein, the returning of defective Product or requests for repair or replacement Product will not apply in the following circumstances:
- The Product is sent or used outside of SPS’s or its Underlying Carriers’ networks.
- The Product is not connected to SPS’s or its Underlying Carriers’ networks, so that remote diagnostics can be attempted.
- Except for reconditioned products provided directly from SPS, if you are not the original owner of the Product and the Product has either not yet been paid for in full or has been reported as stolen to SPS by the original owner or a subsequent owner.
- You are more than sixty (60) days past due on any of your payment obligations in connection with any SPS service.
- Where you alter, repair, or improperly handle the Product.
- There is damage or other Product failure where you do not maintain the Product according to the owner's manual; or you improperly store, ventilate, connect, or reconfigure, or place the Product. (Product must be placed in an area that complies with the manufacturers published space, electrical grounding, or environmental requirements).
- Product is abused, vandalized, stolen, damaged by fire, water, wind, freezing, power failure, inadequate power supply, unusual atmospheric conditions, acts of war, acts of God or other Force Majeure events.
- You use the Product in a manner inconsistent with its design, the owner’s manual, if any, or the way the manufacturer intended the Product to be used.
- The Product has cosmetic damage such as, but not limited to, scratches, dents, rust, or stains.
- The Product is Retired subject to Section 9(e).
- The Product runs any software not provided by SPS or its immediate partners, including but not limited to, application programs, network programs, upgrades, formatting of any kind, databases, files, drivers, source code, object code or proprietary data, or any support, configuration, installation or reinstallation of any software or data.
- Return of Defective Product. Within 30 days of Product purchase or activation, whichever is earlier, you must contact us to return any defective Product. If you return a Product, SPS may replace it with a new or refurbished item, or may refund payment for the purchased Product. SPS’s sole obligation to you under this Return Policy shall be to replace or repair any qualifying Product. Subject to the limitations set forth in this Return Policy and otherwise set forth herein, the returning of defective Product or requests for repair or replacement Product will not apply in the following circumstances:
- Authorized Use Policy.
- Permissible and Prohibited Uses. Your Data Plan is intended for Web browsing, messaging, and similar activities on your device and not on any other equipment. Unless explicitly permitted by your Data Plan, other uses, including for example, tethering your device to a personal computer or other hardware, are not permitted. Examples of prohibited uses include but are not limited to: (i) server devices or host computer applications, including continuous Web camera posts or broadcasts, automatic data feeds, automated machine-to-machine connections or peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing applications that are broadcast to multiple servers or recipients, “bots” or similar routines that could disrupt net user groups or email use by others or other applications that denigrate network capacity or functionality; (ii) as a substitute or backup for private lines or dedicated data connections; (iii) any activity that adversely affects the ability of other users or systems to use either Underlying Carrier’s services or the network-based resources of others, including the generation or dissemination of viruses, malware or “denial of service” attacks; (iv) accessing, or attempting to access without authority, the information, accounts or devices of others, or to penetrate, or attempt to penetrate, Underlying Carrier’s or another entity’s network or systems; or (v) running software or other devices that maintain continuously active Internet connections when a computer’s connection would otherwise be idle, or “keep alive” functions. For example, you cannot use a Data Plan for Web broadcasting, or for the operation of servers, telemetry devices or supervisory control and data acquisition devices; or (vi) results in unusually or unreasonably high usage in any period consistent with abuse and/or fraud.
- Protective Measures. To provide a good experience for the majority of our customers and minimize capacity issues and degradation in network performance, SPS may take measures including temporarily reducing data throughput for a subset of customers who use a disproportionate amount of bandwidth; if your total usage exceeds 20 GB (amount is subject to change) during a Billing Cycle, SPS may reduce your data speed for the remainder of that Billing Cycle. SPS may also suspend, terminate, or restrict your data session, plan, or service if you use your Data Plan in a manner that interferes with other customers’ service, our ability to allocate network capacity among customers, or that otherwise may degrade service quality for other customers. Further, SPS reserves the right to take additional network management measures as necessary to (i) comply with applicable laws, (ii) preserve the integrity and security of the network, including but not limited to, analyzing traffic patterns to optimize Services and prevent the distribution of viruses or other malicious code, and (iii) prevent or mitigate network congestion on the Services, including reducing speeds for some or all users.
- Downloadable Content and Applications. You can purchase content and applications (e.g., downloadable or networked applications, wallpapers, ringtones, games, and productivity tools) (“Content & Apps”) for and with your compatible device. Third party sellers of Content & Apps, including but not limited to Underlying Carriers, may impose additional charges; and any information you provide to third parties is governed by their policies or terms. Any support questions related to these Content & Apps should be directed to the third-party seller. When you use, download, or install Content & Apps sold by a third-party seller, you may be subject to license terms between you and the third party seller and application developer or content owner. When you use, download, or install Content & Apps that you purchase from third parties, the Content & Apps are licensed to you by such third parties and may be subject to additional license terms between you and the creator or owner of the Content & Apps. Whether purchased from Underlying Carrier or a third-party seller, any Content & Apps you purchase are licensed for personal, lawful, non-commercial use on your device only. You may not transfer, copy, or reverse engineer any of the Content & Apps, or alter, disable, or circumvent any digital rights management security features embedded in the Content & Apps.
- Regulatory Approvals. Customers operating the Products or Services in a foreign country warrant that they have any and all required licenses or approvals necessary to operate within that foreign country. SPS does not provide or guarantee any authority to radiate from territories other than those allowing trans-border operations of satellite communication equipment.
- In-Motion Use Prohibited for Undesignated Products, Countries, and Uses. Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is prohibited from installing or using any Product on a moving vehicle or vessel, unless SPS or its Underlying Carriers has designated the Product for in-motion use. Further, Customer warrants that it has obtained all required regulatory licenses or approvals necessary to operate in the country of use. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the use or installation of a Product on an aircraft of any kind is prohibited in all cases. Services used in-motion on an aircraft, vehicle, or vessel (for example, including but not limited to, cars, vans, RVs, boats, etc.) via an unauthorized Product or country is prohibited. Customer acknowledges and understands that violation of this provision will void the limited warranty of your Product and may be grounds for termination of this Agreement under section (b).
- Product Installation. Customer acknowledges and agrees that neither SPS nor its Underlying Carriers are responsible for installation of any Product. Further, Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for installation of any Product. Customer shall take proper precautions to ensure that the Product is installed on a structurally sound, horizontal surface. Customer shall not mount a Product on any vehicle or vessel if it is not stable, or if it cannot be properly secured as described in the Product’s installation instructions and used with the proper mount designed for in-motion use. Customer acknowledges and agrees that a Product which is poorly or negligently installed may cause serious accidents resulting in bodily injury or property damage. Customer acknowledges and accepts all liability for bodily injury or property damage arising out of claims related to installation of any Product.
- SPS IS NOT A PUBLISHER OF THIRD-PARTY INFORMATION, APPLICATIONS, SERVICES, OR OTHER CONTENT AND IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OPINIONS, ADVICE, STATEMENTS, OTHER INFORMATION, SERVICES, OR GOODS PROVIDED BY THIRD PARTIES. You agree that your use of third party information, applications, services, content, or products is at your own risk. Some Services give you the ability to access, view, listen to, interact with, record, and/or store third party audio and visual content (“Third Party Content”). SPS does not guarantee the access to or availability of any particular Third Party Content, or the length of time any particular Third Party Content may remain available. You also understand that Third Party Content is the copyrighted material of the third party that supplies it, is protected by copyright and other applicable laws, and may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without the written permission of the third party that supplied it, except to the extent allowed under the “fair use” provisions of the U.S. copyright laws or comparable provisions of foreign laws. You agree that SPS will have no liability to you, or to anyone else who uses your Products or Services, with regard to any Third Party Content. SPS reserves the right in its sole discretion to restrict or deny access to any Third Party Content or other third party information, application, services, or products.
- Misuse of Products or Services. Customer agrees not to misuse the Products or Services or any device, including: (i) reselling or rebilling our Products or Services (except as expressly authorized by Underlying Carrier); (ii) using the Products or Services or device to engage in unlawful activity, or engaging in conduct that adversely affects our customers, employees, business, or any other person(s), or that interferes with our operations, network, reputation, or ability to provide quality service; (iii) tampering with or modifying your device; (iv) “spamming” or engaging in other abusive or unsolicited communications; (v) reselling Underlying Carrier devices for profit, or tampering with, reprogramming or altering a Product for the purpose of reselling the Product; (vi) selling, renting, leasing, assigning, distributing, copying, modifying or hosting any part of our Products or Services; (vii) adapting, merging, making derivative works of, disassembling, decompiling, reverse compiling, attempting to discover the source code or reverse engineering any part of the Products or Services; (viii) obtaining or attempting to obtain Products or Services, provided by SPS or an Underlying Carrier, by any means or device with intent to avoid payment; or (ix) assisting or facilitating anyone else in any of the above activities. You agree that you won't install, deploy, or use any regeneration equipment or similar mechanism (for example, a repeater) to originate, amplify, enhance, retransmit, or regenerate a transmitted Radio Frequency (“RF”) signal.
- Misconduct. SPS reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue any feature or function of the Products or Services or to terminate Services altogether in the event that Customer uses or allows the use of Products or Services for any misconduct, which may include: (i) any conduct that involves the use of abusive, threatening, or unreasonable conduct toward any of our employees or representatives, whether in person, over the phone, or in writing; (ii) any abusive, fraudulent, or unlawful use of any Services; (iii) providing us with false or misleading information about you, including inaccurate information related to your creditworthiness; (iv) any use of Services in a manner that negatively affects SPS or its affiliates networks, customers, or operations, and (v) any use of Products or Services in a manner that that infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights, violates others’ privacy, generates spam or abusive messaging or calling, or results in the publication of threatening, offensive, or illegal materials.
- Responsibility for Data and Content. Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for any data or content that Customer sends using the Products or Services, including any consequences of such messaging. Further, Customer shall not send or transmit any data or content in violation of applicable law or the restrictions in this Agreement. Neither SPS nor its Underlying Carriers shall be liable for any data or content that Customer sends using the Products or Services.
- Customer's Acts or Omissions. If SPS's performance of its obligations under this Agreement is prevented or delayed by any act or omission of Customer or its agents, subcontractors, consultants, or employees, SPS shall not be deemed in breach of its obligations under this Agreement or otherwise liable for any costs, charges, or losses sustained or incurred by Customer, in each case, to the extent arising directly or indirectly from such prevention or delay.
- Data Transmission Use & Dropped Calls: Due to the technical nature of data setups and the inherent sophistication of data transmission through a variety of operating systems, SPS makes no representation as to the success of data calls through the system. Customer agrees that all voice or data call attempts regardless of ultimate successful transmission and termination will be paid for and no credits will be given in the event of a dispute of this nature. Along with potential incorrect use (i.e., next to a building/obstruction), the Customer is also responsible for any voice or data transmission at optimum speed, whether intended or not. The Customer has been made aware of potential significant airtime bills and accepts this responsibility. All satellite systems have some inherent flaws and anomalies that can create dropped calls of either voice or data nature. Dropped calls will not be credited. SPS can provide data setup and technical support beyond the normal provided setup instructions.
- Pricing.
- Payment Obligations. Customer is solely responsible for the payment of all fees, charges and other amounts set forth in the Purchase Order.
- Schedule of Pricing. The prices to be paid for the Products and Services are set forth in the Purchase Order. Monthly billing will begin on the date the Purchase Order is executed. If Customer requests additional services not included within the scope of the Services set forth on the Purchase Order, and SPS agrees in writing to provide such additional services, then such additional services will be provided at the rates set forth in the Purchase Order, or at such other rates as mutually agreed upon in writing between SPS and Customer. SPS reserves the right to change rates at any time.
- Changes in Data Plan. During the Term, you may upgrade your plan. The new plan will begin on the date of your next monthly Billing Cycle as set forth in the Purchase Order. Any voice minutes or data bandwidth will be applied once the new Billing Cycle has commenced. Customer acknowledges and agrees that changing any Data Plan will renew the Term of this Agreement as specified in the new Purchase Order, effective as of the date of the new Billing Cycle.
- Fees and Expenses; Payment Terms; Interest on Late Payments.
- In consideration of the provision of the Services by SPS and the rights granted to Customer under this Agreement, Customer shall pay the fees set forth in the Purchase Order.
- Customer shall pay all invoiced amounts due to SPS in United States Dollars on the billing date set forth in the Purchase Order.
- SPS will suspend performance of all Services until payment has been made in full.
- A late charge of the lesser of 1.5% per month will be applied to each of Customer’s service bills not paid by the due date. This late charge is applicable to the unpaid balance as of the due date. Customer shall pay SPS all costs including, without limitation, reasonable attorney fees, the fees of any collection agency, and any other costs incurred by SPS in exercising any of its rights under the Agreement. Should Customer’s Service be suspended for non-payment, SPS may charge a fee of $250.00 per mobile terminal for re-activation or decommissioning of the suspended terminal. SPS may require additional deposits after suspending Customer’s Services for non-payment. SPS charges a fee of $35.00 for returned checks.
- Foreign Credit Cards. Foreign credit cards will be accepted only after a complete verification with the issuing financial institution. The issuing financial institution must contact the credit card holder and authorize the Customer’s purchase. Verification of foreign credit cards may delay order processing for up to 72 hours. All deposits for terminals will still apply. SPS reserves the right to decline any credit card transaction.
- Taxes. Customer shall be responsible for all sales, use and excise taxes, and any other similar taxes, duties and charges of any kind imposed by any federal, state, or local governmental entity on any amounts payable by Customer hereunder.
- Credit and Deposits. SPS Products and Services are provided subject to credit approval by SPS. SPS requires the establishment of credit or the ability to pay invoices according to the established terms. By requesting or using our Products or Services, you are giving us permission to obtain your credit information from consumer credit reporting agencies at any time and for any reason. We also may share information about your credit with SPS affiliates, assignees, successors and service providers at any time and for any reason. We may refuse to provide Services or require an advance payment, a nonrefundable payment, a deposit, or other form of credit requirement if we determine that you may be a credit risk due to (i) your credit rating; (ii) insufficient credit history; or (iii) previous late payments, suspension, disconnection, or restoral of service. Deposits may be required for non-United States citizens or customers who do not have established credit. Customers will be advised prior to Service activation if a deposit is required; and deposits will be refunded at Service or contract termination and after all amounts owed to SPS have been paid.
- Returns and Refunds. Customer may only return Products and Accessories within 30 days of the effective date of the Purchase Order. A 20% restocking charge plus actual freight charges incurred will be applied to any shipments that are refused or not accepted for any reason, provided, however, that any shipment may be refused where the shipment is faulty or damaged as a result of negligence by SPS. There will be a 20% restocking charge on all returned Products and Accessories unless such charge is waived in writing in advance of such return or where the shipment is returned as a result of the negligence of SPS. If you do not return your Products or Accessories or if you return your Products or Accessories in a damaged or altered condition, SPS may take one or more of the following actions: (i) disable your device; (ii) elect not to process your service cancellation; (iii) charge you the cost to repair a damaged or altered item; or (iv) charge you the suggested full retail price of a destroyed or altered item, or a non-returned item (which may be greater than the price you paid), plus any shipping and handling charges.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, some Products and Accessories are not returnable, including but not limited to (i) Prepaid Airtime Cards; (ii) Monthly Data Plan Charges; (iii) Docking Stations; (iv) Cable; (v) Marine Internet Systems from Cobham, Intellian and KVH; (vi) Satellite Television systems from Intellian; (vii) VSAT satellite systems from Viasat, Hughes, Cobham, or Paradigm; (viii) any online order less than $100; (ix) special order or made to order Products or Accessories; and (x) GPS tracking units.
- Shipping Policy.
- Order Processing. Most Products will be shipped within 2–3 business days from the date of process and confirmation of payment. SPS uses multiple carriers and airlines for delivery. SPS is not responsible for the actions of third party carriers or airlines, including Products which are lost or damaged during transit. Further, SPS retains the right to place shipments on hold or cancel orders if fraud is suspected.
- Back Orders. SPS will contact you via email if a Product is back ordered. If an order can be partially fulfilled, SPS will ship the part of the order that is in stock. You will not incur additional shipping and handling charges for the second shipment.
- International Shipments. Products shipped to countries outside the United States (an “International Shipment”) may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and fees levied by the destination country (“International Fees”). You agree to bear the cost of any International Fees. Further, you understand and acknowledge that an International Shipment may be delayed by customs clearance procedures and agree that SPS is not responsible for any delays related to an International Shipment.
- Account Administration Authorization. SPS is a provider of integrated connectivity solutions, including but not limited to voice, text message, data, private networks, and customer support. SPS adds value to the products and services provided by Starlink Services, LLC (“Starlink”) by providing integrated solutions tailored to Customer’s needs and specifications, including but not limited to installation, remote management, and priority support via phone, text message SMS, and webchat. By purchasing Starlink products or services from SPS, Customer acknowledges and agrees that it consents to, authorizes, and appoints SPS as its Account Administrator to purchase and manage products or services provided by Starlink on Customer’s behalf. Furthermore, Customer acknowledges and understands that it must contact SPS regarding any usage inquiries relating products or services provided by Starlink. By purchasing a Starlink product or service, Customer shall be subject to Starlink’s Terms of Service, available at, without modification.
- Intellectual Property. All right, title, and interest in the intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, whether registered or not, subsisting anywhere in the world in or relating to the Products or Services are retained by SPS or its licensors, as applicable. Customer shall not alter, remove, conceal, or modify any information indicating the owner of the intellectual property rights relating to the Software.
- Confidential Information.
- All non-public, confidential or proprietary information of SPS or its Underlying Carriers, including, but not limited to, trade secrets, technology, information pertaining to business operations and strategies, and information pertaining to customers, pricing, and marketing (collectively, “Confidential Information”), disclosed by SPS or its Underlying Carriers to Customer, whether disclosed orally or disclosed or accessed in written, electronic, or other form or media, and whether or not marked, designated, or otherwise identified as “confidential,” in connection with the provision of the Services and this Agreement is confidential, and shall not be disclosed or copied by Customer without the prior written consent of SPS. Confidential Information does not include information that is:
- in the public domain;
- known to Customer at the time of disclosure; or
- rightfully obtained by Customer on a non-confidential basis from a third party.
- Customer agrees to use Confidential Information only to make use of the Services.
- SPS shall be entitled to injunctive relief for any violation of this Section.
- All non-public, confidential or proprietary information of SPS or its Underlying Carriers, including, but not limited to, trade secrets, technology, information pertaining to business operations and strategies, and information pertaining to customers, pricing, and marketing (collectively, “Confidential Information”), disclosed by SPS or its Underlying Carriers to Customer, whether disclosed orally or disclosed or accessed in written, electronic, or other form or media, and whether or not marked, designated, or otherwise identified as “confidential,” in connection with the provision of the Services and this Agreement is confidential, and shall not be disclosed or copied by Customer without the prior written consent of SPS. Confidential Information does not include information that is:
- Representation and Warranty.
- Services are provided on an “as is” and “with all faults” basis and without any warranties. SPS makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, including security or authentication purposes, concerning your Services. SPS does not guarantee security. Customer accepts responsibility if you use your Services as a means of security or authentication for other accounts. Furthermore, SPS makes no representations as to uninterrupted or error-free Services. SPS does not guarantee that your communications will be private or secure; it is illegal for unauthorized people to intercept your communications, but such interceptions can occur.
- SPS may, in its sole discretion, either repair or re-perform such Services (or a defective Product); or credit or refund the price of such Products or Services at the pro rata contract rate.
- Limitation of Liability.
- Indemnification. The Customer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless SPS and its partners, affiliates, licensors, or suppliers from and against all liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ and experts’ fees, related to or arising from your use of the Product and Services, the Product, and any other devices used in connection with the Services (or the use of the Services or any such Product or other devices by anyone else), (i) in violation of applicable laws, regulations or this Agreement including, without limitation, infringement of copyrights or other proprietary rights; or (ii) in any manner that harms any person or results in the personal injury or death of any person or in damage to or loss of any tangible or intangible (including data) property.
- Notices. All notices or communication under this Agreement (“Notices”) shall be in writing and shall be sent by email to, unless a different email address is provided in the section under which you are contacting SPS. All Notices sent by mail shall be sent via (i) overnight commercial courier or (ii) certified mail, return receipt requested, to Connecta Satellite Solutions, LLC, d/b/a Satellite Phone Store at 4802 Lena Rd, Unit 103 Bradenton, FL 34211. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, a Notice is effective only upon receipt by the receiving party and if the party giving the Notice has complied with the requirements of this Section.
- Waiver. No waiver by SPS of any of the provisions of this Agreement is effective unless explicitly set forth in writing and signed by SPS. No failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any rights, remedy, power, or privilege arising from this Agreement operates or may be construed as a waiver thereof. No single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power, or privilege hereunder precludes any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power, or privilege. SPS’s failure at any time to insist upon strict compliance with any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed to be a waiver of such terms in the future.
- Force Majeure. SPS shall not be liable or responsible to Customer, or be deemed to have defaulted under or breached this Agreement, for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term of this Agreement, when and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by or results from acts beyond SPS’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, the following force majeure events (“Force Majeure Event(s)”): (i) acts of God; (ii) flood, fire, earthquake, or explosion; (iii) war, invasion, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), terrorist threats or acts, riot or other civil unrest; (iv) government order, law, or action; (v) embargoes or blockades in effect on or after the date of this Agreement; (vi) national or regional emergency; (vii) strikes, labor stoppages or slowdowns or other industrial disturbances; (viii) telecommunication breakdowns, power outages or shortages, lack of warehouse or storage space, inadequate transportation services, or inability or delay in obtaining supplies of adequate or suitable materials; and (ix) other events beyond the reasonable control of SPS. SPS will not provide notice of a Force Majeure Event.
- Assignment. Customer shall not assign any of its rights or delegate any of its obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of SPS. Any purported assignment or delegation in violation of this Section is null and void. No assignment or delegation relieves Customer of any of its obligations under this Agreement.
- Relationship of the Parties. The relationship between the parties is that of independent contractors. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as creating any agency, partnership, joint venture or other form of joint enterprise, employment, or fiduciary relationship between the parties, and neither party shall have authority to contract for or bind the other party in any manner whatsoever.
- No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is for the benefit of the parties hereto, any Authorized Users, any Underlying Carriers, and their respective successors and permitted assigns and nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any other person or entity any legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of these Terms.
- Governing Law. Except as otherwise required by law, Customer and SPS agree that the Federal Arbitration Act and the substantive laws of the state and local area in which your Premises is located (the “Service Jurisdiction”), without reference to its principles of conflicts of laws, will be applied to govern, construe and enforce all of the rights and duties of the parties arising from or related in any way to the subject matter of this Agreement with the sole exception that the substantive law of Delaware law shall apply to adjudication of disputes related to checks tendered as payment in full for less than the full balance due. UNLESS CUSTOMER AND SPS AGREE OTHERWISE, YOU AND SPS CONSENT TO THE EXCLUSIVE PERSONAL JURISDICTION OF AND VENUE IN ARBITRATION OR SMALL CLAIMS COURT LOCATED IN THE SERVICE JURISDICTION FOR ANY SUITS OR CAUSES OF ACTION CONNECTED IN ANY WAY, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OFTHIS AGREEMENT. Except as otherwise required by law, including the Service Jurisdiction laws relating to consumer transactions, any cause of action or claim you may have with respect to the Services must be commenced within one (1) year after the claim or cause of action arises or such claim or cause of action is forever waived.
- Submission to Jurisdiction. Any legal suit, action, or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be instituted in the federal courts of the United States of America or the courts of the STATE OF DELAWARE in each case located in the CITY OF WILMINGTON and COUNTY OF KENT, and each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts in any such suit, action, or proceeding.
- Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the unenforceable portion shall be construed as nearly as possible to reflect the original intentions of the parties.
- Survival. Provisions of this Agreement, which by their nature would apply beyond their terms, will remain in force after any termination or expiration of this Agreement including, but not limited to, those relating to Confidential Information, Limitation of Liability and Indemnification, Authorized Use of any Products or Services, Dispute Resolution provisions, and Warranties.
- Notice of Changes to Agreement. From time to time, SPS will make revisions to this Agreement and to the policies relating to the Services, including revisions to the provisions that govern the way that you and SPS resolve disputes. SPS may provide notice of such revisions in a digital or paper format. Revisions to the terms and conditions shall be effective on the date specified in the notice. You accept the revisions and agree to abide by them by continuing to use the Services. SPS will provide you with at least thirty (30) days’ notice prior to the effective date of any increases to the monthly price of the Services.