Inmarsat FleetBroadband

Inmarsat FleetBroadband LaunchPad

All the Thrane FleetBroadband terminals can easily be controlled via their Web Interface (MMI) (, alternatively Inmarsat publishes the Fleet Broadband Launchpad for Windows XP and Vista users for even more ease of use.

Download Fleetbroadband LaunchPad

Inmarsat FleetBroadband 505 emergency calling FAQ

For any oceangoing vessel, big or small, safety communications is of utmost importance. Previously, safety facilities were available via Inmarsat B, C, M, and Fleet 77 terminals, but not FleetBroadband. For this reason, Inmarsat has introduced 505 Emergency Calling exclusively for the FleetBroadband family of terminals.

Inmarsat Emergency 505 calling FAQ

Inmarsat FleetBroadband TCP Accelerator

Send faster emails and data files via FleetBroadband using our Inmarsat-developed TCP Accelerator software. The TCP Accelerator for FleetBroadband is available for Windows XP and Vista. It is installed on a FleetBroadband user's PC and significantly enhances the performance of TCP traffic over FleetBroadband in the 'send' direction.

For Windows XP and Vista please take the following two steps to install and use the TCP Accelerator.

Download and install the TCP Accelerator:

Enable TCP Accelerator in FleetBroadband LaunchPad and LaunchPad will manage the TCP Accelerator automatically.

Inmarsat FleetBroadband Current Firmware

The latest Thrane firmware for the FBB 150, 250 and 500 Thrane & Thrane terminals can be found below, to ensure network reliability please use the latest software.

Inmarsat FleetBroadband Voice Mail setup instructions

The following document explains how to setup voice mail on a Thrane & Thrane Sailor Inmarsat Fleet Broadband terminal.

Setting up procedure - Voice mail Rev B