Inmarsat FX-60 Premium 2048/512MIR 128/64CIR - 36 Months


Entry plan for the new Inmarsat FX service using a GX 60 cm antenna from Intellian or Cobham and a Fleet Broadband 250 or 500 system as an unlimited backup.

The use of the Cisco network switching device (NSD) router is required to use the GX terminal and a 250 or 500 but then get Inmarsat's new Global Ka-band high speed service and when weather or other factors prevent the Ka-band Fleet Xpress service from working the Fleet Broadband takes over and operates in the L Band frequency and keeps the vessel connected at speeds up to 432 kbps with unlimited data.

Payment Frequency: one-month

0 Minutes ($0.75 each addnl. minute)
Unlimited data

Minimum Term: 36 months


Entry plan for the new Inmarsat FX service using a GX 60 cm antenna from Intellian or Cobham and a Fleet Broadband 250 or 500 system as an unlimited backup.

The use of the Cisco network switching device (NSD) router is required to use the GX terminal and a 250 or 500 but then get Inmarsat's new Global Ka-band high speed service and when weather or other factors prevent the Ka-band Fleet Xpress service from working the Fleet Broadband takes over and operates in the L Band frequency and keeps the vessel connected at speeds up to 432 kbps with unlimited data.

There is a fee to use the 250 model Fleet broadband instead of the 500 :

  • Fleet Xpress FB 250 Terminal Monthly Surcharge - Standard Global Charge : $214.05
  • Fleet Xpress FB 250 Terminal Monthly Surcharge - Subscription Suspension : $53.52

FX Voice: Outgoing Call Voice Rates Per Minute Rates (over FX only)

FX Voice to Zone 1 - per Min $0.20
FX Voice to Zone 2 - per Min $0.41
FX Voice to Zone 3 - per Min $0.81
FX Voice to Zone 4 - per Min $1.31
FX Voice to Zone 5 - per Min $3.23
FX Voice to Zone 6 - per Min $7.04
FX Voice to FX / GX Voice - per Min $0.51
FX Voice to BGAN - per Min $0.77
FX Voice to FBB - per Min $0.77
FX Voice to SBB - per Min $0.77
FX Voice to GSPS - per Min $0.77
FX Voice to Inmarsat B - per Min $3.42
FX Voice to Inmarsat M - per Min $2.91
FX Voice to Inmarsat Mini-M - per Min $2.52
FX Voice to Inmarsat GAN / Fleet / Swift - per Min $2.52
FX Voice to Inmarsat Aero - per Min $4.92
FX Voice to Iridium - per Min $11.04
FX Voice to Globalstar - per Min $8.04
FX Voice to Thuraya - per Min $5.03
FX Voice to Other MSS Systems - per Min $6.93

Inmarsat Fleet Xpress Maritime Terms and Conditions

General Service :

1.) Fleet Xpress Service includes usage of the FleetBroadband Satellite constellation (Inmarsat-4 + Alphasat) for backup connectivity when the Ka-band service component (GX) is not operational. The switchover between the Ka-band service component and the L-band service component is controlled at the Remote Site by the NSD and is managed by Inmarsat. The minimum mandatory hardware configuration for Fleet Xpress Remote Site is 1 GX terminal, 1 FleetBroadband terminal and 1 NSD. A Remote Site will be identified by its Remote Site ID, and is not attached to any hardware information such as the serial numbers or IMEI. Therefore it is possible to swap any hardware component without affecting the continuity of the Service delivered to that Site.

2.) Fleet Xpress Maritime Plans are intended to be used in conjunction with a FB 500 terminal for backup communications in the FX-Maritime 100/60 Configuration. Use of FleetBroadband services that are not controlled by the Network Service Device are billable to the customer in accordance with the normal FleetBroadband pricing in force at the time.

3.) There is an additional monthly surcharge that will be charged for the activation and use of an FB 250 terminal as backup communications in the FX-Maritime 100/60 Configuration, due to the increased load on the FB network. The "Fleet Xpress FB 250 Terminal Monthly Surcharge - Standard Global Charge" will be charged each month in addition to the standard "Global Monthly Subscription Fee". A reduced version will be charged monthly while the service is in Subscription Suspension.

4.) A Network Service Device (NSD) is required to support FB satellite network for backup communications, Fleet Xpress Voice (FX VoIP & FleetBroadband Circuit Switched) and Fleet Xpress Video Teleconferencing (VTC). Landline termination pricing for VoIP calls placed to international direct-dialed telephone numbers are not defined. Calling zones and per-minute rates will be published at a later stage. A single Network Service Device can only have one active maritime plan at any one time.

5.) FB150 terminals are not permitted under any FX plan. Dual configurations with two different FB terminals are not permitted under any FX plan.

6.) The FleetBroadband terminal used as the L-band backup will require a specific Fleet Xpress SIM card. Whilst the Fleet Xpress SIM is used, the FleetBroadband terminal will be controlled by the NSD and other services will not be available, except Circuit Switched Voice for Safety services (distress call and distress panel). Use of FleetBroadband Voice services will be charged as per standard FBB Voice service rates.

7.) In order to utilize End-User services, the End-User must first self-register on the Inmarsat Gateway Self-Service Portal. This opens up a Private End-User account and an e-Wallet to access pre-paid services. If the End-User wishes to access any corporate allowances provided by the Operator, the End-User must share his login ID with the Operator and the Operator can then assign allowances after on-boarding him as a Corporate End-User in the Self-Service Portal.

Maximum Information Rate / Committed Information Rate :

8.) The Maximum Information Rate is defined in both directions as the maximum burst rate to which the terminal will have access to under favorable conditions (no congestion and clear sky).

9.) The 'CIR Availability' is a measure of the effectiveness of the GX system to allocate bandwidth under congested traffic conditions, and is determined by comparing the CIR demand of each individual Remote Site with the actual bandwidth allocated by the system to this particular Remote Site. So in essence, the CIR Availability is the percentage of time where the current CIR levels on both forward and return directions were equal or higher than the demand CIR levels.

10.) For Fleet Xpress, the CIR of each Remote Site shall be met or exceeded on average 95.0% of the time during periods of both network availability and satellite terminal link availability. When a terminal is offline, the SLA is deemed to be met. When the traffic is routed through the L-band backup, no CIR Availability SLA is provided, and traffic will be honored on a best-effort basis.

11.) When FleetBroadband services are used in the event of a GX Ka-band service interruption, the subscribed Committed Information Rate (CIR) levels do not apply, and the data services are provided strictly on a best-effort basis. The FB 500 Satellite Terminal supports a maximum best-effort data rate of 432 Kbps, and the FB 250 Satellite Terminal supports a maximum of 284 Kbps.

Commitments, Upgrades and Downgrades :

12.) All Prices reflect a 36-month minimum commitment from activation. For Commitment purposes, initial and final monthly fees are pro-rated based upon the number of days active during the month. If the terminal is disconnected or downgraded early, an early termination charge will apply. The early termination charge will be the full, outstanding, commitment period. For clarity, if a terminal is activated on Jan 28th, 2015 on a plan with a 36-month commitment, it will be committed through Jan 27th, 2018.

13.) At launch, partial months will be pro-rated based upon the actual number of days in the calendar month.

14.) Monthly fees will be charged in advance, aside from the initial monthly fee, which will be charged in arrears. Initial monthly fee is pro-rated based upon the number of days active. Final Fees will not be pro-rated. Fleet Xpress plans are available on a global basis.

15.) Inmarsat Fleet Xpress plans may be withdrawn (i.e., discontinued) with a closure date. New activations on the discontinued plan will no longer be available after official closure date. Existing terminals on the withdrawn plan may remain on the plan for the remainder of their minimum-commitment period. Once the minimum-commitment period has elapsed, the satellite terminal must be moved to a new plan. Any specific price increases or decreases in rates shall only apply to (a) new Subscription Activations from the date that such increases and / or decreases apply, (b) existing Subscriptions from the first day after the satellite terminal is out of commitment, and (c) existing Subscriptions from the first day of their upgrade/downgrade (even prior to expiration of their original Minimum Period) if the upgrade / downgrade is processed after the date that such increases and / or decreases apply.

16.) Moving to a package that has the same or a lower monthly fee will be considered a downgrade. Moving to a package that has a greater monthly fee will be considered an upgrade. Note that upgrades and downgrades are identified based upon the Subscription Fee for the same base-term commitment. Upgrades will be applied from the date of implementation of the service. Downgrades will take effect as of 00:00:00 UTC the date after implementation of the service.

17.) The Global Monthly Subscription Fee for an upgrade or downgrade will be applied based upon the date of the change (UTC). For clarity, an upgrade processed at 5 PM Eastern on February 21st will be counted as if it has been made at 00:00 UTC February 21st. The minimum-commitment period will continue to be calculated from the original date of activation. A downgrade processed at 5 PM Eastern on February 21st will be counted as if it has been made at 00:00 UTC February 22nd. The minimum-commitment period will continue to be calculated from the original date of activation.

18.) FX terminals activated on a plan with a 36-month commitment will have a 90 day Grace Period during which the early termination charges for downgrades and deactivations will be waived.

19.) Downgrades will generate a one-time penalty charge equal to 25% of the original Global Monthly Subscription Fee from the date of the downgrade for the remaining portion of the Minimum Period. For clarity, if a terminal was activated on April 1st, 2016 on the FX-100 8:1 768 / 192 (with a 36-month commitment), and a downgrade was processed on February 28th, 2019 moving to the FX-100 8:1 512 / 128 (with a 36-month commitment), a one-time charge will be generated for 25% of FX-100 8:1 768 / 192 Global Monthly Subscription Fee multiplied by 31 divided by 30.416. The 31 is the number of days between date after downgrade implementation date (00:00 UTC) and the end of the minimum commitment period, and the 30.416 calculation is utilized to generate the "per calendar day" charges for downgrades and penalties. Note that the minimum commitment period will continue to be applied based upon the original plan's commitment date (March 31st, 2019).

Subscription Suspension & Service Suspension :

20.) Subscription Suspension: There is an option to Suspend the Subscription for Inmarsat Fleet Xpress plans. Subscription Suspension allows the customer to temporarily place the satellite terminal's service package on hold and pay a reduced fee while Subscription Suspension is in place. Subscription Suspension is intended to assist Subscribers with special operational requirements, including but not limited to long-term maintenance or seasonal lay-up.

21.) Subscription Suspension is available for up to 180 consecutive calendar days. Subscription Suspensions must have a minimum duration of 7 calendar days. A Subscription Suspension can only occur once per commitment year during the overall minimum-commitment period. To clarify, Subscription Suspensions may occur for a maximum of 180 calendar days per 12-month Minimum Period, for a maximum of 360 calendar days for a 24-month Minimum Period and for a maximum of 540 calendar days for a 36-month Minimum Period.

22.) Even during a Subscription Suspension period, an additional monthly surcharge will be charged for having an FB 250 terminal serving as the backup communication in an FX-Maritime 100/60 Configuration. This fee has been reduced to "Fleet Xpress FB 250 Terminal Monthly Surcharge - Subscription Suspension".

23.) The date of Subscription Suspension will be counted as fully "within suspension". The date of Subscription Resumption will be counted as fully "within subscription". When a Subscription Fee is suspended, the standard Monthly Fee will be pro-rated based upon the date of suspension and the Subscription Suspension Fee will be pro-rated for the remainder of the month. To clarify, if a Suspend Subscription is processed as of the 16th of the month for a 30-day month, then the monthly fee for the 1st half of the month will be 50% of the standard monthly fee, and the monthly fee for the 2nd half of the month will be 50% of the Subscription Suspension monthly fee. A Subscription may not be upgraded, downgraded, or have Service suspended or terminated during the Subscription Suspension period.

"24.) Service Suspension: There is an option to Suspend the Service for Inmarsat Fleet Xpress plans. Service Suspension allows the customer to prevent all usage of the satellite terminal without impacting the underlying commitment period. During a Service Suspension, it is not possible for a SIM to be upgraded, downgraded, or deactivated.
In such instances: i. the full monthly Subscription Charge (i.e., without pro-ration) will continue to be payable during the period of Service Suspension; and ii. if suspended during the Minimum Period, the period of Service Suspension shall count towards the Minimum Period."

0 Minutes
$0.75 each addnl. minute
Unlimited data